"Danmaku AtaLuna" Is very simple. I avoid a barrage and gather stars.I aim at the capture of all 5 s
看更多 »Junichi Mori
It is very simple Sudoku. You can play fast. Let's enjoy it!
クラシカルなシューティングゲームです。 ・スコア5000点毎にエクステンド ・全34ステージ敵の攻撃を掻い潜り、全ステージクリアを目指せ!!
看更多 »Puzzle Make 10
It's a Brain Training! The total traces a puzzle becoming 10. You make it three!!The stage is te
看更多 »Kaimono Keisanki
スーパーでの買い物に役立つ計算機です。 金額を入力するだけで、税込の金額が表示されます。 レジの前に予め支払い金額を知りたい時などにお役立てください。 また、店舗ごとに消費税や割引の端数の扱いが違うた
看更多 »Puzzle addition
You make an answer with the total of one line of center side of the puzzle. A problem is ten questio
看更多 »Puzzle Fine Friends
Find the common point of the puzzle.Find the same color.Find the same form. And,Find same how to pai
看更多 »Puzzle Learn and Calculate
You memorize a number, and you must calculate an answer.The problem is five.And you compete for time
看更多 »Puzzle Math with three choices
You must complete an expression with a choice of three numbers and marks. A problem is ten questions
看更多 »Puzzle Touch Colors
If it is "word", you are involved with the color that a letter means it. If it is "color", you are i
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